Blog posts

  • Source Code Management Tool - Git

    This is post will give quick tips for working with github.

  • Vimdiff - code merge tool

    Just thought to post about vimdiff which can be used as a code merging tool. vimdiff package comes by default in the bundle of vim editor.

  • Deploy meteor app in heroku

    In this post, will give quick guide to deploy an meteor application into heroku web hosting.

  • Meteor framework to build pure java script app

    Today came across the framework Meteorjs which can be used to build pure javascript apps in faster way. I find it bit magical to build an meteor application though I have less understanding of front end technologies at this point of time. The app will work in web , mobile and desktop. I think its gonna help me in some of the opensource projects in coming days.

  • Similarity between two datasets

    I am writing this post to demonstrate how to find the similarity between two datasets using C programming. Also to see how the efficiency of the application is increased when it is handled in algorithmic approach.

  • Graphics Design - Workshop

    In the last weekend, I attended the IEEE madras section workshop on “Graphics Design”. Though I am core software programmer, always I have the interest in design aspects atleast to the extent I can design simple poster or e-flyer for some of the outreach programs. Most of the time, I used GIMP and Inkscape for this purpose.

  • Need for tools specialist

    As the informations and automation through machiens grow, the need for better and efficient computational / software technologies keeps on increasing. Especially in the recent decade, I am witnessing this drastic growth in information technologies. After all, all the innovations take place, is to make life easier.

  • Network management and debugging

    In this post, I am gonna discuss few simple network troubleshooting tools and how it can be used in day to day work.

  • Octopress blog site setup

    I am using octopress quite some time for my technical blog and the octopress framework is interesting but sometimes I felt difficult to setup while working in different machines.Because I need to setup the entire source code to blog a single post. So just thought to document the steps.

  • Password free SSH login

    This post is about setting up password-free secure shell login ( ssh ) in linux machine. This is specific to SSH/SSH2 protocol. For this , I am considering two linux systems with hostnames kaveri (hostname1 - source) and vaigai (hostname2 - client). If you wish, you could also use the ip addresses instead of hostname.

  • Vanakkam jekyll

    Vanakkam Jekyll. First post in jekyll based site, published in github pages.

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