This is post will give quick tips for working with github.

List Config

To list configuration details,

	git config --list

Set Config ( global )

To set configuration parameters globally ie. to use for all repositories.

	git config --global "<username>"
	git config --global "<email address>"

To set configuration parameters for a specific repository,

	git config "<username>"
	git config "<email address>"

Get local copy

To get local copy of a repository from distributed server,

	git clone <github-url>

Publish changes

There three phases in git.

Staging area ( buffer )

git add command is used to add the modified or new files/folders to the staging area. Note that git add will not give any output

	git add <filename>
	git add .    # add current directory changes
	git add -A   # add all the directories. 
	git status

Local Repo:

git commit is used to add to local repository. While commiting the files, SHA-1 key will be generated for every commit.

	git commit  			# this will open an editor to give commit message
	git commit -m "reason"	# -m used to give commit message in CLI itself
	git status		# will give info about files are in statging area,local repo, remote repo
				# Untracked files - which are yet to add to staging
				# Changes to be committed - which are in staging area
	git log

Remote Repo

git push is used to push the changes to the distributed repository.

	git push 
	git push -u origin master

To get remote repo details,

	git remote -v

To rename remote repo name,

	git remote rename origin destination
	git remote -v

Some git repo stuff

To initialize git repo locally,

	git init 

To add remote repo for local repo,

	git remote add origin <url>

To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream,

	git push --set-upstream origin master

To pull the recent content from remote repo,

	git pull origin master

Advance git commands

To remove Untracked files,

	git clean -f 	# clean the files. -f option for forceful
	git clean -fd	# clean file and directory. -f option for forceful

To remove files which are in Staging area,

	git reset --hard 	# changes made after the commit are discarded. It resets index and working tree.

To get previous revision,

	git checkout <filename>	

To get back past commit changes,

	git revert <commit-id-taken-from-log>

To push the changes forcefully,

	git push -f 

To commit recent changes in a file which are already committed

	git commit --amend 

If we don’t want file ( which had some modifications) and keep it for sometime, we can make use of stash command. The stash content will be stored in stACKing area

	git stash
	git staus
	git stash -p 	# dsiplay the chunks of changes which are stashed
	git stash list
	git stash apply

Other useful reset commands,

	git reset --hard 	# changes made after the commit are discarded.
	git reset --soft 	# changes made after the commit are moved to "staged for commit" stage.
				# you can run git commit command to add files back to repo.
	git reset 		# changes made after commit are moved to "not yet staged for commit" stage

To display log

git supports both text based and graph based log histroy,

	git log 					# shows the log information
	git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all 	# display bit of graph

To display the list of commits to be push to remote repo,

	git checrry -v

Branching Mechanism

	git branch		# display the branch in use
	git branch -a		# display list of branches 
	git merge  		# merge two branches
	git checkout develop	# switch the branch to develop
	git checkout -b develop master	# create a branch'develop' from 'master' branch

When you are trying to merge from develop to master branch as below develop -> master source -> destination

	git checkout master
	git merge develop

To create an alias,

	git config --global alias.XZ

To generate some reports of repo changes, history and logs

	git for-each-ref 

To see the contents from other branch

	git show some-branch:file.js

To list files with status,

	git status -s

To select part of changes

	git add -p

To pick some changes from a commit and apply it here

	git cherry-pick <commitSHA>

Pull and merge can be done together using rebase

	git rebase
git log options,
	- author="..."
	- name-only
	- oneline
	- graph
	- reverse
	- after
	- before