As the informations and automation through machiens grow, the need for better and efficient computational / software technologies keeps on increasing. Especially in the recent decade, I am witnessing this drastic growth in information technologies. After all, all the innovations take place, is to make life easier.

Using old, outdated technology sometimes painful not only for professional and for the organization as well for increased man effort. Many times, the developer, tester or devops professional use what they already know for their work though there are many new tools are avialble in the market for free sometimes for less cost. Taking advandage of new tools substantially reduces the man effort in many development, testing projects and devops. But, How can we aware of what are the tools are availbale and which suits best for type of project and based on team member’s skillsets ?. There are only two ways,

  • Professionals has to understand the importance keeping them updated with recent technologies in their field. Or organization has to spend the effort in training them / making them aware of recent tech stuff.
  • Hire tools specialist for every project team.

Both of the above options give the solutions. But organization can not have the full control over the first option and it cost bit higher. But the second option gives full control where his.her job is to ensure the project team is using recent tool and making the team life better at work . And the biggest challenge here is getting a professional with broad knowledge of technologies. Its time for learning :)